How to Install Applications on Company Owned Devices (iPhone & MacBook)

This article will guide you in installing additional applications on your company issued mobile device. Popular applications such as YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest can be downloaded after proper setup (Requires an Apple ID).

Using your HSE email vs. personal email address will avoid potentially syncing personal files onto company owned devices.


  1. Go to the App Store > Click on icon on the upper right-hand side of the screen (person symbol).

  2. Click on ‘Create New Apple ID’.

  3. Enter preferred email and password.

  4. Confirm Country Selected is “United States” >Next.

  5. Insert your Name and Birthday > Next.

  6. Select None for Payment Method:

    1. Input Billing Address (Personal or school building address must be inserted to proceed) > Next.

  7. Input Phone Number > A Verification Code will be sent to email listed on screen.

    1. Input code received from email inbox > Click ‘Verify’.

    2. Device will begin to sign into iCloud > Click ‘Continue’.

  8. Go to the App Store > Click on the icon (person symbol) on the upper right-hand side of the screen.

    1. Sign in with registered email and password >Done.

  9. Setup complete - Applications are now ready to be selected and installed.
