Securly Internet Filter

This article explains Securly, the internet filter used in HSE Schools.

 What is it?

  • Securly is the brand name of the product used by HSE Schools' technology department to filter internet traffic.

 How does it work?

  • All incoming and outgoing internet traffic in HSE Schools is filtered through Securly’s internet filtering product.

  • Staff and students are given different levels of filtering when using the internet.

  • Filtering level is determined by user authentication. This is why you may be prompted to log in while browsing websites; this determines the account type of the person requesting the website (student or staff).

  • All technology devices using HSE internet networks need to have certain software configuration performed in order to function properly with our internet filter.

  • Devices issued by HSE Technology are already configured; all staff personal devices and any student not renting a device from HSE Technology will need to configure their device.

Devices not configured correctly to work with Securly’s internet filter will likely encounter errors and be unable to complete basic browsing tasks until this setup is done.

 How do I configure my personal device or my student’s device?

 What if I need to access something that is being blocked by Securly?

  • Staff may submit a ticket through our technology ticketing system, by designating the category as ‘website unblock request.’

  • Each request will be considered by administration on a case-by-case basis. These online resources, even if approved, may not be available immediately after the request is submitted, so please make lesson plans accordingly.

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