Getting started with technology in HSE Schools

This article gives technology-related information that may be helpful for staff new to HSE Schools.


All staff employed by HSE schools and students of the district will be issued accounts that will provide access to various services, including:

  • Email

  • Wi-Fi

  • Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)

    • This includes online versions of common apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, cloud storage with OneDrive, and online access to email through Outlook)

  • Canvas (not applicable to all users)


  • All permanent certified staff will be issued a primary device (laptop--either PC or Mac), and an iPad.

  • Please see building techs for device details for other staff roles including temporary teachers, front office, and IAs.


  • All HSE Schools buildings have wireless internet access for staff and student use.

  • Staff and students will typically use the network ‘HSE-CORP’ to access Wi-Fi while in HSE buildings.

  • This network requires an active HSE account (see above) to gain access. Please do not use your full HSE email address, but rather only your ‘username,' or the first portion of the email address before the ‘@.’

  • Click here for more information on HSE internet and Wi-Fi networks.


  • Standard-configuration classrooms in HSE Schools have a video projector, speakers, and Apple TV, for enabling wireless mirroring of content from Apple devices such as MacBook computers and iPads (a Microsoft-compatible wireless display device is available upon request).

  • These classrooms also have wired HDMI inputs for temporary A/V setups and guest use to connect technology to classroom displays.


  • HSE Technology provides printers/copiers for staff use.

  • These are accessible from HSE Technology-issued computers, and not any personal device or iPad.

  • For assistance in configuring printers on your staff device, please see your building tech, or click here for additional help in adding printers.

 Technology Support

  • All school buildings are staffed with technology personnel to provide support, typically called ‘building techs.’

  • Tech office locations vary by building, so please consult front office staff if you are unable to find/contact your building tech.

  • Staff may also request support by submitting a Ticket in the HSE Technology online ticketing system.

 Helpful links for staff

  • Click here for helpful links for staff technology needs.

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