Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This article gives answers to commonly asked technology questions.

 The internet doesn’t work. What do I do next?

Please start by informing your building tech. This person is best equipped to diagnose the problem and collect relevant information. In addition, they are aware of the correct steps to take next and who else may need to be notified. If you would like, you may try testing multiple websites and/or run a speed test to determine the scope of the problem.

Note that it is common for certain websites and resources to experience outages or disruptions, while not necessarily all district internet connectivity is lost. It is helpful to report these to your building tech, but it may be possible for you to continue with other internet-related activity while your building tech looks into the situation. Your building tech can help isolate whether or not the connectivity problem is widespread or narrow in scope.

 Who do I go to for technology help?

The first step in technology troubleshooting in HSE Schools is to search this knowledge base. It contains resources to help staff solve many technology problems on their own, including adding printers, connecting to Wi-Fi, etc.

Beyond this, the first person to contact for technology assistance is your building tech. All HSE schools have a building tech onsite during the school year. This building tech can assist in troubleshooting most technology problems and can direct all other requests through the appropriate channels in the district to find resolutions. They are the best resource for your specific building, since they are familiar with building-specific technology. If you have internet access, click HERE to begin a ticket to get your issue resolved.

 I’m can’t log in to my HSE email account. What do I do?

In this scenario, there may be several factors involved. It may be that your account is locked or disabled, that there is a configuration problem with your email access, or even a simple error in typing or login process. To verify this, please visit www.office.com/login to begin. Here, you will always type your entire HSE email address, not simply the first part. If you have verified that you are accessing your account from that website, have double-checked entry of your password, and still are unable to login, please consult your building tech to obtain support resetting your password.

If logging in to the website above works, but you cannot access your email through a different method, the problem likely lies with the configuration of that method (i.e. the Outlook desktop app is experiencing an error). Your building tech can also help troubleshoot issues regarding Outlook desktop app configuration.

 How do I print in an HSE school building?

Printing within HSE buildings can be done by staff using district-issued computers, and students logged into building desktop computers (e.g. computer labs). For staff using their own computers, printers will need to be added in software to be able to use them for printing. Please visit the following article for further assistance.

 Why can’t I install a program on my HSE-issued computer?

Staff are not permitted to install software through traditional means on any HSE-issued computer. All HSE-issued devices come preinstalled with an app called ‘Software Center,’ which allows you access to additional software preapproved by the district. For more information on installing software for Macs, click here. For more information on installing software for PCs, click here.

 Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Outlook are telling me that I do not have a license. What should I do?

All certified staff and most office staff should have the appropriate Microsoft license to use these apps normally on any type of device. If this describes your position and you are unable to use these apps, pleaes contact your building tech who can investigate if there is a licensing error.

IAs and non-HSE employed staff working in our buildings do not receive the appropriate license to use these Microsoft apps on all devices. People in those positions may use all Microsoft software online (in a web browser), through Microsoft 365.

 Why can’t I mirror content from my computer in my classroom?

All HSE classrooms have Apple TVs for mirroring content wirelessly from Apple devices. If mirroring is not working using this method, try cycling the Wi-Fi of your Apple device off and then on again. If that does not help, restarting your device may help reset the connection. If these steps still do not solve the problem, you may restart your Apple TV if you are comfortable doing so or contact your building tech for help. Click HERE to start a ticket for your issue.

 What happens if I broke my HSE-issued staff device (laptop or iPad)?

Please begin by contacting your building tech. They will evaluate any damage, explain our repair procedures and fees, and go over timelines for repairs and the possibility of loaner devices.

 What if I need to access my HSE account while traveling?

All HSE resources will work as expected within the United States. For staff or students traveling internationally, please fill out the following brief form to request access internationally. You will need to know the desired dates of travel to be able to make a request.

 How do I get a student teacher/intern/non-HSE employee an email account and/or access to the internet?

All staff members employed by HSE Schools will be issued an account that allows email access and access to Wi-Fi. For student teachers and other interns, please use the following form to request temporary accounts that allow for email and Wi-Fi access:

Request for Non-HSE Employee Network Account & Email Access (office.com)

For any other role that may need access to HSE email and/or internet, please contact your building tech, who will work with administration to determine whether this will be possible.

The HSE-GUEST Wi-Fi network can be used for visitors to our schools to access the internet on a brief, temporary basis for one day at a time. This process is explained in more detail here.

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